High River, Alberta, Canada Karaoke Show Schedule Listing | KaraokeSchedule.com    

High River, Alberta, Canada Karaoke Show Schedule on KaraokeSchedule.com

The largest and most up-to-date listings of public karaoke shows in High River, Alberta, Canada!

NOTE: Karaoke show listings change so frequently it is hard for us to know and keep up with all the changes.  So, we cannot guarantee that these listings are 100% accurate.  Please phone ahead before going to any karaoke show to confirm that it is on!

Please help us keep out karaoke schedule up-to-date by pressing the 'Confirm Active' button next to a listing if you know that the show is active.  Also, if we are missing a show, please add the listing.  For any other errors, please contact us with details of the error and we will fix it up!

Active High River Karaoke Show Schedule

Start-End Time
Venue Name
Venue Address
Venue Phone#
Host Name
Last Confirmed Active
402 Centre Street S E
403 649 3003
    Comments: Every Tuesday and Every Friday. Huge song selection with even brand-new top 40 hits available.
402 Centre Street S E
403 649 3003
    Comments: Huge stage with concert quality sound and lights, friendly supportive audience, ad-lib comedy introductions, Ever-growing cash singer jackpot based on tickets awarded


User Comments About karaoke in High River, Alberta, Canada

2016-07-17: Welcome High River to the World Karaoke Schedule. Does anybody know if James is hosting karaoke anymore in High River? If so, tell him say hi to him from Paul the Rock God!

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