Paul The Rock God Fan Club |  - Home of Paul the Rock God and the Canada Karaoke Schedule

Paul The Rock God's Fan Club

One of the members of Paul the Rock God's Fan Club

Paul the Rock God, like other rock stars, has his own fan club.  It is inexpensive to join and you will be suprised what you get out of it!  Members of his fan club are affectionately known as 'Rock Godders'!

What does it cost to join Paul the Rock God's Fan Club?

Some of the members of Paul the Rock God's Fan Club

It's FREE!  There is no cost to join Paul the Rock God's fan club!

What are the benefits to joing Paul the Rock God's Fan Club?

Some of the members of Paul the Rock God's Fan Club

You get the benefit of calling yourself a 'Rock Godder'!

How do I join Paul the Rock God's Fan Club?

One of the members of Paul the Rock God's Fan Club

To join the official fan club of Paul the Rock God, just email him and ask to join! is that simple!