White Rock, BC, Canada Karaoke Show Schedule Listing | KaraokeSchedule.com    

White Rock, BC, Canada Karaoke Show Schedule on KaraokeSchedule.com

The largest and most up-to-date listings of public karaoke shows in White Rock, BC, Canada!

NOTE: Karaoke show listings change so frequently it is hard for us to know and keep up with all the changes.  So, we cannot guarantee that these listings are 100% accurate.  Please phone ahead before going to any karaoke show to confirm that it is on!

Please help us keep out karaoke schedule up-to-date by pressing the 'Confirm Active' button next to a listing if you know that the show is active.  Also, if we are missing a show, please add the listing.  For any other errors, please contact us with details of the error and we will fix it up!

Active White Rock Karaoke Show Schedule

Start-End Time
Venue Name
Venue Address
Venue Phone#
Host Name
Last Confirmed Active
14995 Marine Dr.
    Comments: Hours are now 6pm to 10pm
2290 152nd St (South Surrey)
    Comments: Great place, staff, food and drink specials. Open to the public...you don't have to be a member to get in! COME ON DOWN!


User Comments About karaoke in White Rock, British Columbia, Canada

2016-05-27: Virginia is hosting a karaoke boat cruise on September 9, 2016. Get your tickets at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/black-white-karaoke-booze-cruise-tickets-25527453300
2014-02-13: I just added a show to the Surrey page for Morgans which is in South Surrey near Whiterock so be sure to sure to also check the Surrey page for karaoke shows!
2013-08-05: Last chance to qualify for Canadian Karaoke Championships for Vancouver area is on Saturday, August 10th at Tabla Bistro on Granville Street. Sign up at 8pm, show at 9pm. Have 2 songs ready.

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